Please read the following instructions carefully
✨ How to take the exam?
1. The clock has been set at server and count down timer at the top right corner of the screen will display left out time to closure from where you can monitor time you have to complete the exam.
2. Click one of the answer option buttons to select your answer.
3. To change an answer, simply click the desired option button.
4. Click on SAVE & NEXT to save the answer before moving to the next question. The next question will automatically be displayed.
5. Make sure you click on SAVE & NEXT button everytime you want to save your answer.
6. To go to a question, click on the question number in the Question Palette on the right hand side of the screen.
7. The color coded diagram on the right side of the screen shows the status of the questions :
9. You can move the mouse cursor over the section names to see the number of answered, not answered, marked for review and not visited questions.
10. You are allowed to Shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience.
11. You can change your response of the attempted answers anytime during the examination slot time by clicking another answer, and then on SAVE & NEXT.
12. All the answered questions(saved or marked) will be considered for calculating the final score.
13. When the time left becomes 0, then your assessment will be submitted by default, and you will not be able to make any changes.
14. Do Not PRESS any keyboard key once the exam is started.This will LOCK your exam. You can connect with the exam invigilator to unlock and continue giving the exam.
15. Do Not CLICK on the FINAL-SUBMIT Button unless you have completed the exam.In case you click SUBMIT button, you will not be permitted to continue.

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